We’ve got you covered for the holidays! Take a look at our holiday tips on travelling safely, dining out, and enjoying the holidays with family. Plus, check out some fun holiday recipes.
Get to know our new Healthcare Advisory Board and read Kashi Canada’s new peanut allergen precautionary statement notification.
Join us in thanking our funders and corporate partners for their incredible generosity and support of our initiatives this year.
Holiday tips: Have a safe and merry holiday
The holiday season is upon us, follow these tips to make it a safe and successful one.
- Holidays with family: Five quick tips on managing food allergies with relatives over the holidays.
- For newly diagnosed families: Beatrice Povolo, our Director of Advocacy and Media, and a mother of a child with food allergy, offers advice on how families with food allergy can enjoy the upcoming holidays. Read her interview.
- Travelling: If you are travelling this holiday season, check out our travel tips, including those from other allergy groups from around the world.
- Dining out: Many of you will be eating outside the home this month, make sure you read up on our dining out tips.
- Recipes: Try our allergy-friendly recipes and share them with others, this holiday season. You can also share this handy allergen-substitution chart that also contains great recipe ideas.
Introducing our new Healthcare Advisory Board
We are fortunate to have a distinguished group of Canadian allergists, who are clinicians and researchers, on our newly created Healthcare Advisory Board.
The Advisory Board’s mandate is to support Food Allergy Canada in its mission to educate, support and advocate for individuals living with food allergies and the risk of anaphylaxis by:
- Providing guidance on Food Allergy Canada’s national direction and initiatives
- Offering expert medical opinion based on evidence on Food Allergy Canada programming, resources, and other areas as required
- Being involved and supportive of Food Allergy Canada’s priority initiatives
Learn more about our Healthcare Advisory board.
New peanut allergen precautionary statement notification from Kashi Canada

Photo: Kashi Canada
Kashi Canada has recently announced a change to their products:
Kashi Dark Mocha Almond Whole Grain bars and Kashi Chia Granola Dark Chocolate, Almond & Sea Salt bars, which started to arrive in retail stores in November 2018.
Kashi Dark Mocha Almond Whole Grain bars and Kashi Chia Granola Dark Chocolate, Almond & Sea Salt bars will now include peanuts in the “May contain” statement.
Thank you to our funders and corporate partners for their support!
Through the generous contributions of our funders and corporate partners, we are able to advocate on key issues that are important to the food allergy community, improve quality of life, develop priority educational initiatives, and create awareness activities to help decrease the knowledge gaps in the public around food allergies.
These individuals and organizations greatly contribute to the overall success of Food Allergy Canada and without their generous support we would not be able to fulfill our work.
Thank you to:
- Adapt Media
- The Bridle Bash Foundation
- Budd Sugarman Foundation
- Captivate Network
- Dare Foods
- Enjoy Life
- Family and friends of Sean Delaney
- Kellogg Canada
- Media City
- Nestle Canada
- Peanut Bureau of Canada
- PepsiCo Canada
- Pfizer Canada (Canadian EpiPen® distributor)
- Scotiabank Group
- Tagliani Foundation
- TD Securities
- Walter and Maria Schroeder Foundation
- Williams Wilson Sherport Foundation