Kyle Dine
Youth! Join us to learn how to manage the transition to middle school and high school with food allergy. Hear from members of our Youth Advisory Panel as they discuss their experiences managing food allergy at school.
What the webinar is about: The transition to middle school and high school can bring on a wide range of questions for youth with food allergy. This webinar will include tips and other helpful resources to ensure youth with food allergy are equipped to manage confidently. Topics covered will include how to talk about food allergy with peers and teachers, dealing with unwanted teasing or bullying, how to stay safe during snack/lunch times and the importance of carrying an epinephrine auto-injector and knowing how to treat reactions.
Who is presenting: Members of our Youth Advisory Panel will discuss their experiences managing food allergy at school, moderated by Kyle Dine. Kyle Dine is a musician, food allergy educator, and leader of our youth programs. Over the past decade, Kyle has reached over 1 million children with his empowering and educational messages about living with food allergy. He has multiple food allergies and is allergic to peanut, tree nut, egg, seafood and mustard.
When is the webinar: August 12th, 2021 1pm-2pm EDT
Register today, and please share with others so they can also benefit! Although this session is intended for youth, parents and others are welcome!
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